Year: 2022

Year: 2022

Training on Semi-strctured Interview and Focus Group Discussion

A 2 days “Training on Semi-strctured Interview and Focus Group Discussion” for Rresearch Assistant conducted in Bardias from June 26 – 27 June 2022. Lead Trainer Mr.Krishna P Bhattari facilitated the training. This training inaugurated by Mr. Vijay Kumar Jha, Director, Health Directorate,Madhesh Province. Dr Krishna Bahadur Tamang, Deputy Medical Director ,Nepal Leprosy Trust, Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital & Service Centre, Dhanusha and Bikash Man Singh , Executive Director, NLR Nepal.

International NLR team Visit

Dr. Wim Van Brakel; Medical Director, Senior Technical Coordinator PEP++

Duane Hinders; Programme Manager PEP++

Mr. Duane and Dr. Wim have been Nepal to get general information of PEP++ with NLR Nepal PEP++ team members and to do supervision and monitoring for the work what we are doing for introducing and sustainability of the PEP++ project for the completion of the target to make Leprosy free Nepal.

During IO visit 2nd Steering Committee and 2nd DSMC Meeting was held at Hotel Gunja; National and Provincial stakeholders along with NLT representative also participated.

District level leprosy related plan formulation and orientation program on PEP ++

District level leprosy related plan formulation and orientation program held on Dhanusha and Mahottari (Feb 7 and Feb 9). State Secretary of Ministry of Social Development Madhesh Province, Chief of Health Directorate Madhesh Province, NLR Nepal Excutive Director are present in the program. Every palika's of both district having participaints in program where Research Assistant (RA) assist on the program. 

World Leprosy Day 2022

World Leprosy Day conduct many activtites all over in nepal.  In Biratnagar, a live talk show organized on Makalu Television with Provincial Social Development Minister Mr. Jay Ram Yadav and Health Director Mr. Gyan Bahadur Basnet.

In Madhes Province (#2), A talk show on Appan TV

In Sudur Paschim Pradesh (#7) Paschim Today FM

In Kathmandu celebrated with READ Nepal (an organization managed by Leprosy affected persons) where the Municipal Chief, Health Coordinator of the Municipality and ward chair presented.  A lot of healthy discussions took place.

PEP++ Induction Program for Research Assistant and Data Manager

PEP++ induction program was held for the newly recruited Research assistants and Data Manager on the 29th and 30th of December 2021. Mr. Bijay Jha was the chief guest for the program. The program was also attended by Mr Rajvir Yadav focal person leprosy of province 2, Arvind Shah training officer NLT. Dr, K.P Dhakal Board member of NLR Nepal and Executive director Bikash Man Singh. The program was held in Lalgadh leprosy hospital with objective of introducing the organization and the project to the 19 research assistants and 2 data managers. They were briefed about the PEP++ project and the role they will paly in the project. The induction also included orientation about the administrative regulation of the organization as well as the code of conduct.